Tuesday 23 February 2016

 M.Tech - Power Electronics

Affiliation : PES University | Duration : 2 Years | Eligibility : Graduation Degree in Related Branch
Selection Entrance  Test : PESSAT
Admission Guidance : +91 99 161 04 884 | Click Here to Get a call from our counselor

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Power Electronics is the technology associated with efficient conversion, control and conditioning of electric power from its available input into the desired electrical output form. The field of the book is concerned of electrical power processing using electronic devices the key component of which is a switching power converter.
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Power electronics has found an important place in modern technology being a core of power and energy control. Almost all the new electrical and electromechanical equipment contain power circuits. The power levels encountered in this field range from less than one watt in supplies for the battery-operated portable equipment to tens, hundreds, or thousands of watts in power units of office equipment, kilowatts to megawatts in variable-speed motor drives, approaching megawatts in the rectifiers and inverters that interface the local transmission lines with the high power systems.

The goal of this work is to introduce students and working engineers involved in power and energy conversion to the basics of this discipline. The emphasis is on the day-to-day electronic products. The course covers the features and functions of rectifiers, inverters, ac and dc converters. It provides a wealth of technical information and contributes to learning the design of circuits and equipment based on electronic components.

The Ministry of Power is actively pushing for ‘Power for All by 2012’—a mission that would require our installed power generation capacity to reach at least 200,000 MW by 2012 from the present level of 114,000 MW. Power is identified as one of those sectors which hold a lot of promise for growth and expansion. An important ingredient for the rapid growth of the economy, power has a set of challenges as well as opportunities for the entire energy value chain in India. 

The ‘Power for All by 2012’ target in the current plan period requires active participation of all stakeholders. Digging down the power field, you can also become an active part of our nation-building story and a sector that will provide immense scope and opportunity. 

Dalip Sharma, managing director, Delta-India and SAARC, shares, “The unprecedented growth in the Indian electronics demand has spawned a corresponding spurt in the domestic power electronics industry. The power backup (including batteries) is a $1.1-billion revenue industry in India. Also, there is a shift towards ‘develop and make’ model vis-à-vis the previous ‘buy’ and ‘buy-and-make’ policy. Owing to the presence of global electronics manufacturing services (EMS) majors in India and their plans for increased investments with more outsourcing of manufacturing by both Indian and global original equipment manufacturers, opportunities for the Indian talent pool are also increasing and the growth opportunities seem to be quite promising.” 

Power electronics has a very high potential as now “it has shifted from a mere IT product (UPS, inverter, etc) to powering the whole plant and also other sectors like lifts and colour photo machines,” adds R.K. Bansal, founder and managing director, Uniline Energy Systems. 

Power electronics is the application of solidstate electronics for the control and conversion of electric power. The task of power electronics is to process and control the electric energy flow by supplying voltages and currents in a form optimally suited for user loads. MTech Power Electronics, PES University Bangalore Admission, PES University Fees Structure, PES University M.Tech Admission, PES University Management Quota, PESSAT, PESU Mtech Fees, 


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